Breast Biopsy

Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Staging

After imaging, your doctor may recommend further testing if an abnormality is shown. Part of determining if a suspicious area of the breast is cancerous is taking a biopsy of the area. A breast cancer biopsy involves taking out and testing a small piece of tissue for testing.

How a Breast Biopsy Is Performed

To obtain a tissue sample, your doctor will use a thin needle attached to a syringe to withdraw a small amount of tissue. Before the biopsy, your doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the area and will generally take a few samples to get the most accurate result possible.

A breast biopsy can be performed with a few different approaches. If the area that needs to be biopsied can be felt, your doctor will locate the lump and guide the needle there. If it can’t be felt, Saint Vincent Hospital offers three types of breast biopsy guided by advanced imaging:

  • Stereotactic biopsy: In a stereotactic biopsy, the radiologist will use a mammogram machine to locate the area that needs to be biopsied. The machine will then help guide the needle to that area.
  • Ultrasound biopsy: During an ultrasound biopsy, the radiologist uses an ultrasound to identify the area that needs to be biopsied. The radiologist will then take the necessary tissue samples.
  • MRI biopsy: This type of biopsy uses an MRI machine to locate the area in question. You’ll enter the MRI, and the biopsy is performed while you’re in the machine.

Take the Next Step in Your Journey

The Saint Vincent Hospital Breast Center is located in at One Eaton Place in downtown Worcester and is open Monday through Friday, ​8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To learn more about the services we offer, or to schedule an appointment, please call (866) 494-3627.

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