Interventional Radiology

The cornerstone of treating certain medical conditions is an accurate diagnosis. At Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester, we diagnose and treat various diseases through advanced imaging, including Vascular & Interventional Radiology, while delivering safe and compassionate care.

Advanced and Comprehensive Imaging Procedures in Worcester

Diagnostic-imaging-400-x-300At Saint Vincent Hospital, we combine technology and quality care, offering advanced imaging options, including interventional radiology, to perform a variety of minimally invasive procedures as part of treating certain diseases without surgery.

Our team of experienced interventional radiologists and dedicated staff provide you with a full range of imaging procedures using advanced technology, including pre-and post-procedure exams, when you come to us for help. Our team also trains physicians in the latest interventional radiology techniques as part of our teaching program while fostering an environment of collaboration with a common goal of getting you the treatment that you need when you need it the most.

We offer a full array of diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic radiologic and nuclear medicine services, so you can get quick and accurate diagnoses to help you and your doctor map out a treatment plan that is unique and right for you.

If you want to know more about Saint Vincent Hospital's comprehensive imaging services, see this page.

What Is Interventional Radiology?

Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses imaging technology to diagnose and treat a host of diseases that affect any part of the human body. Doctors who specialize in this field of medicine are called radiologists. Radiology has two different areas—diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.

Diagnostic Radiology vs. Interventional Radiology

Diagnostic radiology allows doctors to view structures inside the body to diagnose the cause of your symptoms, monitor your body's response to a treatment or screen for diseases, such as breast cancer, colon cancer or heart disease. While interventional radiology, also called image-guided therapy, uses medical imaging techniques to help doctors diagnose and treat blood and lymph vessel problems.

Some of the most common types of diagnostic radiology exams are:

  • Computed tomography (CT), also known as a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, including CT angiography
  • Fluoroscopy, including upper GI and barium enema
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
  • Mammography
  • Nuclear medicine, which includes such tests as a bone scan, thyroid scan and thallium cardiac stress test
  • X-rays, including chest X-ray
  • Positron emission tomography, also called PET imaging, PET scan or PET-CT, when combined with CT
  • Ultrasound

Interventional radiology procedures include:

  • Angiography or angioplasty and stent placement
  • Embolization to control bleeding
  • Cancer treatments include tumor embolization using chemoembolization or Y-90 radioembolization
  • Tumor ablation with radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation or microwave ablation
  • Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
  • Needle biopsies of different organs, such as the lungs and thyroid gland
  • Breast biopsy, guided either by stereotactic or ultrasound techniques
  • Uterine artery embolization
  • Feeding tube placement
  • Venous access catheter placement, such as ports and peripherally inserted central catheters
  • Bone treatments
  • Joint aspirations or steroid injections
  • Photoevaporation or lasers to destroy vascular bumps on the skin that bleed called vesicles to treat bleeding and painful skin lesions that happen with vascular malformations

What Does An Interventional Radiologist Do?

Interventional radiologists detect and interpret changes or abnormalities in the human body using imaging tools to help guide procedures when inserting catheters, wires and other small instruments into your body.

What Is Interventional Radiology Used For?

Interventional radiology allows doctors to make no incision or only small cuts to diagnose and treat the following conditions:

  • Cancers or tumors
  • Blockages in the arteries and veins
  • Fibroids in the uterus
  • Back pain
  • Liver problems
  • Kidney problems

Most people who undergo an interventional procedure rarely need to stay in the hospital afterward and may require only moderate sedation. Smaller incisions make interventional procedures less painful than traditional open surgery. Patients usually have shorter recovery times and very small or no scars at all. Interventional procedures are image-guided and precise, which helps doctors prevent as much damage as possible to surrounding tissue, organs and skin.

Interventional radiology can also guide biopsies and treat patients with tumors or vascular problems instead of or with traditional surgery or therapy.

What Is Vascular & Interventional Radiology?

Vascular interventions are minimally invasive radiology procedures used to treat circulatory systems, including the heart, blood and blood vessels. The arteries and veins that form the blood vessels make up the vascular system. The arteries carry blood away from the heart while the veins carry blood back to the heart.

Nonvascular interventions are minimally invasive procedures that do not involve blood vessels, including drain placements to remove fluid buildup in the lungs or abdomen, gastrointestinal procedures or insertion of gastrostomy feeding tubes.

Interventional Procedures Offered at Saint Vincent Hospital

The interventional radiologists at Saint Vincent Hospital perform both vascular and nonvascular procedures, which include the following:

Vascular Interventions

  • Angiography
  • Balloon Angioplasty
  • Embolization
  • Endovascular Stents
  • Laser Vein Ablation
  • Renal Artery Angioplasty
  • Thrombolysis
  • Tumor Ablation
  • Uterine Artery Embolization
  • Vena Cava Filters

Nonvascular Interventions

  • Abscess or Fluid Drainage
  • Biliary Drainage
  • Feeding Tubes
  • Regional Oncology Therapy
  • Urinary Interventions
  • Vertebral Compression Fractures

Schedule an Appointment

Many vascular and nonvascular interventions involving open surgery are now performed in our Vascular and Interventional Radiology outpatient suite. Please confer with your physician for more information. To schedule a procedure, please call 508-363-9720.

Insurance Offered at Saint Vincent Hospital

We offer various insurance plans and options of payment plan flexibilityat Saint Vincent Hospital, so you can get the quality care you need without delay. Let our dedicated staff help put your mind at ease. Call 866-494-3627 or click herefor inquiries about your insurance coverage and financial arrangements. If you have specific questions about your coverage, you may contact your insurance provider directly.

Find a Doctor in Worcester

Speak with one of our doctors if you experience symptoms of any condition or need help understanding the results of your imaging test results. Saint Vincent Hospital is here for you. Please do not delay care.

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